Monday, February 17, 2020

Surya namaskar (Sun Salutation)

Surya namaskar or salute to sun or sun salutation is a series of 12 yoga poses.It is one of the very precious yogic practices which involves both yogasana and pranayama.It can be done any time of the day but it's better if it is done facing towards the sun.
It's a good warm up exercise,if it is done in a fast pace. It's a great exercise to loose weight and good for the digestion and menstrual cycle. It also reduces anxiety.

Aumm...Mitraya namah...
1.Prayer Pose or shithi pranamasana.

Aumm...Ravaya namahh....
2.Hastauttanasana or Raised arms position.

Aumm.....suryaa namahh....
3.Padahastasana or hand to foot position.

Aumm.....bhanave namahh....
4.Ashwa sanchalasana or Equestrian Position.

Aumm....khagaya namahh.....
5.Mountain pose or Parvatasana.

Aumm....pushne namahh.....
6.Eight limbs position or astanga namaskar.

Aumm.... Hiranaya garbhaya namahh....
7.Cobra pose or Bhujangasana.

Aumm.....Marichaya namahh....
8.Mountain pose 
or Parvatasana.

Aumm....Savitre namahh.....
9.Ashwa sanchalasana or Equestrian Position.

Aumm..... Aditya namhh...
10.Padahastasana or hand to foot position.

Aumm....Arkaya namahh....
11.Hata uttanasana or Raised arms position.

Aumm....Bhaskaraya namahh.....
12.Prayer pose or Pranamasana.

*It helps to fight insomnia too....


Yogas to Boast Our Immune System

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